
Illustration & Brand Design
Project Overview
Over the past 4 years, I worked together with Twitch Partner KyoryuHunter in order to build and fortify his online persona and channel. As the illustrator and designer for his channel, I was responsible for collaborating with KyoryuHunter on things such as his channel overlays, color palettes, and helping solidify his unique persona in the eyes of his viewers.
Role & Tools
Role: Brand Designer, Illustrator

Tools: Clip Studio PAINT, Adobe Photoshop, Twitch
Illustration of Kyoryu fighting a dinosaur

In the beginning, when Louis (KyoryuHunter) was only just starting his channel, I worked with him to create a logo, mascot, and general "vibe". We had initially settled upon a retro neon kind of style, complete with chromatic effects and bright, poppy colors and patterns.

This was "Season 1" of the KyoryuHunter design, and while some of the aspects of his designs did not continue on in future iterations, we were able to further flesh out and hone in on some things that would then become a staple of his brand. During that time, I settled on several colors that would end up being his main palette: Purple, Pink and Blue. These were the primary colors of his mascot, Geoffery the Dinosaur, and would be common throughout his channels on Twitch and Youtube through layouts, icons, emojis and buttons.

Image of 3 illustrations of dinosaur mascots

Here we were really able to give KyoryuHunter a visual brand that was consistent throughout his channels. The dotted background became a staple in his videos as well as Louis' bright, plaid shirt. Now that his brand was very unique, we were able to then tweak it a bit for certain events or games he was playing. For example, I would alter his custom emojis or holidays like Halloween and Christmas, and often times I would make new overlays and graphics for the games he plays often. There was now room for us to play around a bit while being able to maintain this consistency.

Three illustrations of holiday versions of client mascots

This is about where we are at currently. Louis and I continue to work together to maintain his brand, and hope to continue to elevate it as he grows as a Streamer and Online Entertainer. For the future, we are currently looking into branching out into other areas of design such as t-shirts, mugs, and other merchandise. We have also begun phasing the emotes of him out in favor of his dinosaur mascot, Baby Dino, as it is bright, unique, and easily recognizable.

Overall, working with KyoryuHunter these past four years so far has been a challenging yet rewarding endeavor, and I'm honored to be a part of this journey!

Image of KyoryuHunter's current logo